APD Self-Assessment (Summative Assessment)
- Due Jul 3, 2021 at 11:59pm
- Questions 10
- Time Limit None
This document reflects the standards of behavior for educational professionals and for educator preparation programs at Salem State University. In each education class, you will be assessed on these standards by your instructor and/or field supervisor.
Each criterion is assessed with ratings of 1 (Needs Improvement), 2 (Developing), and 3 (Target). You will be expected to demonstrate a growing level of proficiency throughout your program, and to achieve target ratings on all dimensions by the time you are ready to begin your educational career.
This document does not encompass all professional traits of the teacher. Other traits are assessed using other documents at other times during the program.
This is your opportunity to self-assess your professional dispositions based on your work in the course this semester. Please assess yourself honestly for each criterion by indicating whether you have achieved "Target" (3), "Developing" (2), or "Needs Improvement" (1) ratings. Your professor will also be assessing you and will enter scores into Navigator at the end of the semester.
Please note: though this self-assessment is setup as a Canvas quiz, there are no right answers and is just intended to collect your evaluation of your professional dispositions. No results will be available when you complete the assessment, and it will not affect your grade.
You must, however, complete the self-assessment in order to obtain a complete grade for this course.